The Two Dozen CubeSats from University of Colorado Boulder (CU)

Dr. James Paul Mason
(Research Scientist, CU/LASP, USA)

Lean Satellite; Delivering satellites’ values with low cost and short time

Prof. Mengu Cho
(Kyushu Institute of Technology Kitakyushu, Japan)

The inspiration for Taiwan Maritime Satellite Industry from YuSat-1

Prof. Sheng-Long Kao & Anson
(NTOU, Taiwan)

Suomi 100 cubesat: Background, goals, preliminary results and lessons learned

Prof. Esa Kallio
(Aalto University, Finland)

Lessons learned from Aalto satellites; FMI lunar mission activities; and satellite com-ponent additive manufacturing

Dr. Antti Kestilä
(Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland)

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