Recorded Video
Prof. Takumi ABE
Institute of Space & Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Role in the project:
Project scientist of many souding rocket experiments in Japan from2004 to 2016
Project manager of S-310-35, S310-39 and SS-520-3 souding rocket experiments in
2004, 2009, and 2021, respectively
Current position:
Associate Professor, Department of Solar System Sciences
Entered Faculty of Electro-Communications, University of ElectroCommunications April 1982, and graduated March 1986 with the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering
Entered Graduate School of University of Electro-Communications April 1986, and
graduated March 1991
Received Ph.D. (Doctor of Engineering) in March 1991 from University of ElectroCommunications for a thesis entitled: "Temperature and energy distribution of
thermal electrons in the ionosphere.”
Services in National and/or International Committees (last ones):
Steering committee member of SGEPSS (Society of Geomagnetism and Earth,
Planetary and Space Sciences) from 2007 to 2010
Science instruments to observe the ionospheric thermal plasma on the space-based platform
Prof. Takumi ABE
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