A Christian American High School Program in Taipei


10 spots open for Grades 6th - 9th

ELL Levels -

HSP1 / HSP 2 / POH



學員英語程度 -

HSP1 / HSP 2 / POH

What You Will Learn 學習重點

English 英文

- Vocabulary 單字
- Grammar 文法
- Verbal Communication 口語溝通

Geography 地理

- Physical Geography 自然地理學
- Culture 文化
- Globalization 全球化

"Topics subject to change due to covid restrictions for in-person classes 基於新冠狀病毒對於面授的限制,主題可能會有所變化"

授課教師 Teacher
Ms. Rebecca Davis

Ms. Rebecca Davis is a certified and licensed teacher in the state of Tennessee. She holds a bachelor degree in both history and music. Her previous teaching position was in the state of Florida.

Ms. Rebecca Davis 是一位在美國田納西州持有教學執照的認證教師,並且為歷史及音樂雙學位學士,先前在美國佛羅里達州任教。

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