Margaret's Professional Fund Raising Website
項目: 1. 破蛋器; 2. 現代版侯風地動儀; 3. 網戀奇緣--齊天大聖孫悟空二度大鬧天庭; 4. 網戀奇緣--千年之約與愛你一萬年; 5. 渦輪飛天掃帚 ; 6. 全自動感應式防水閘門。
Projects: 1. Egg Breaking Device; 2. Modern Earthquake Detection Instrument; 3. A Legend of Cyber-Love: The Great Sage as High as Sky, WuKong Sun, Again Creating Havoc in Heavenly Palace; 4. A Legend of Cyber-Love: A Promise Thousands of Years Ago and Loving You for Ten Thousand Years; 5. Turbo Engine Flying Broom; 6. Automatic Control Flood-Block Gate.

關於瑪格麗特 About Margaret

2016/9-2017/8,中國大陸廣東省東莞理工學院 電子工程與智能化學院,講師
2000/8-2007/5,美國佛羅里達州州立大學,物理,博士,導師:Gary G. Ihas
2000/8-2004/8,美國佛羅里達州州立大學,物理,碩士,導師:Gary G. Ihas
1. 榮獲2017年第六屆中國創新創業大賽(廣東東莞賽區)三等獎
2. 榮獲2017年松湖杯創業大賽優勝獎
3. 大專生暑期專題研究計畫,榮獲國科會研究創作獎(1996年)。
4. 數理資優生保送大學(1993年)。
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, May 2007.
Thesis Title: Quantum Turbulence: Decay of Grid Turbulence in a Dissipationless Fluid.
Chair: Dr. G. G. Ihas, Professor of Physics.
M.S. in Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, August 2004.
B.S. in Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., July 1998.
• Physics Lecturer, College of Electrical Engineering and Intellectualization, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan City, Guang-Dong Province (P.R.O.C.). September 2016 – August 2017
• Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.). September 2014 – January 2015
• Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.). September 2012 – January 2013
• Principal Engineer, FEOL Thin Film/Diffusion Department and TCAD Division, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Hsin-chu City, Taiwan (R.O.C.). December 2009 – August 2011
• Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre de Spectrométrie Nucléaire et Spectrométrie de Masse du CNRS (Center of Nuclear Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry of CNRS), Université de Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France. December 2008 – November 5th, 2009
• Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics Institute, Academia Sinica, Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.). August 2008 – November 2008
• Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. November 2007 - July 2008
1. Received the third prize of the 6th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in the Dongguan City, Guangdong Province of the Mainland China (P.R.O.C.), 2017.
• Project Topic: Movement Instrument of the Electric Measurement Machine for the Capacitive Screen Yield Measurement of Capacitive Sensors on the Touch Panels.
2. Received the merit award of the 3th Songhu Cup of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in the Mainland China (P.R.O.C.), 2017.
• Project Topic: Portable Programs of Speed Test and Anti-Bullet Detection / Interception.
3. Received the Research Creativity Award from the National Science Council in Taiwan (R.O.C.), 1996.
• Research Topic: Photo-Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Investigation of the Photosensitive Cr3+ Impurity in Synthetic FeS2 Single Crystals.
4. Received Excellent Academic Scholarship for Students Gifted in Mathematics and Natural Sciences from the Ministry of Education in Taiwan (R.O.C.), 1993-1997.



2019年11月1日~ 2020年1月31日 (期間:三個月)
✔ NTD100 單純贊助,支持募資計劃,不須回饋。
a. 短柄剪刀型寬嘴小破蛋器:
✔ NTD199及以上 一個短柄寬嘴的小破蛋器。
✔ NTD945及以上 五個短柄寬嘴的小破蛋器(95折,平均每個新台幣189元)
✔ NTD1790及以上 十個短柄寬嘴的小破蛋器(9折,平均每個新台幣179元)
✔ NTD8450及以上 五十個短柄寬嘴的小破蛋器(85折,平均每個新台幣169元)
✔ NTD15900及以上 一百個短柄寬嘴的小破蛋器(8折,平均每個新台幣159元 + 海外郵寄免運費)
✔ NTD129000及以上 一千個短柄寬嘴的小破蛋器(65折,平均每個新台幣129元 + 海外郵寄免運費)。
b. 長柄A字型尖嘴大破蛋器:
✔ NTD249及以上 一個長柄尖嘴的大破蛋器。
✔ NTD1180及以上 五個長柄尖嘴的大破蛋器(95折,平均每個新台幣236元)
✔ NTD2240及以上 十個長柄尖嘴的大破蛋器(9折,平均每個新台幣224元)
✔ NTD10500及以上 五十個長柄尖嘴的大破蛋器(85折,平均每個新台幣210元)
✔ NTD19900及以上 一百個長柄尖嘴的大破蛋器(8折,平均每個新台幣199元 + 海外郵寄免運費)
✔ NTD161000及以上 一千個長柄尖嘴的大破蛋器(65折,平均每個新台幣161元 + 海外郵寄免運費)。
新台幣兩萬元(NTD 20,000)。
• 也可以使用信用卡付款(CC),及黑貓宅急便(T-CAT)宅配到府(Home delivery)的物流服務(全台免運費)。
• 海外郵寄需另加新台幣300元的運費。

✔ 預計寄送時間:2020年2月1日

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腦控機的剋星——侯風地動儀,儀器的八個方位上有八個直線形天線,類似於電視的T字型天線,利用法拉第電磁感應定律,具有接收與發射電磁波的功能。此直線形天線接收到電磁波之後又發射之,入射和反射電磁波因此形成能量增強性的駐波,只要能量夠強,即可形成地震。現代的半導體科技或晶片技術,可以做到全寬頻(1 GHz - 100 GHz),這個部分的線路設計圖,我在韓國科學院擔任博士後研究員的時候,已經繪製完成。國防類防禦電磁波攻擊的袖珍型「全寬頻(1GHz-100GHz)侯風地動儀」,可以預測地震的準確發生地點,也可以應用在飛機的平衡儀上。希望能募款研發補助資金。
2019年11月1日~ 2020年10月31日 (期間:一年)
✔ NTD100 單純贊助,支持募資計劃,不須回饋。
✔ NTD149及以上 網戀奇緣小說之彩色插圖明信片全套。
✔ NTD199及以上 網戀奇緣小說電子書(英文、繁體中文、簡體中文)
✔ NTD449及以上 網戀奇緣小說(舊封面之英文、繁體中文)
✔ NTD599及以上 網戀奇緣小說(新封面之繁體中文)
註:網戀奇緣——美國中央情報局長和他的華裔情人; A Legend of Cyber-Love——The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover.
(※ 付款時,請註明募資回饋的網戀奇緣小說的語言版本為哪一個版本: 英文版、繁體中文版、簡體中文版。)
• 也可以使用信用卡付款(CC),及黑貓宅急便(T-CAT)宅配到府(Home delivery)的物流服務(全台免運費)。
• 海外郵寄需另加新台幣300元的運費。

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2019年11月1日~ 2020年4月30日 (期間:六個月)
✔ NTD100 單純贊助,支持募資計劃,不須回饋。
✔ NTD199及以上 「網戀奇緣(二)」小說電子書(英文、繁體中文、簡體中文)
✔ NTD599及以上 「網戀奇緣(二)」小說X一本(紙本,三種語言版本擇一:英文、繁體中文、簡體中文)
✔ NTD1099及以上 「網戀奇緣(二)」小說X兩本(紙本,三種語言版本擇一或擇二:英文、繁體中文、簡體中文),台灣全島郵寄免運費。
(※ 付款時,請註明募資回饋的網戀奇緣小說的語言版本為哪一個版本: 英文版、繁體中文版、簡體中文版。)
• 也可以使用信用卡付款(CC),及黑貓宅急便(T-CAT)宅配到府(Home delivery)的物流服務(全台免運費)。
• 海外郵寄需另加新台幣300元的運費。

✔ 預計寄送時間:2020年11月1日 (預估六個月的撰寫時間)

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2019年11月1日~ 2020年10月31日 (期間:一年)
✔ NTD100 單純贊助,支持募資計劃,不須回饋。
✔ NTD199及以上 「網戀奇緣(三)」小說電子書(英文、繁體中文、簡體中文)
✔ NTD599及以上 「網戀奇緣(三)」小說X一本(紙本,三種語言版本擇一:英文、繁體中文、簡體中文)
✔ NTD1099及以上 「網戀奇緣(三)」小說X兩本(紙本,三種語言版本擇一或擇二:英文、繁體中文、簡體中文),台灣全島郵寄免運費。
(※ 付款時,請註明募資回饋的網戀奇緣小說的語言版本為哪一個版本: 英文版、繁體中文版、簡體中文版。)
• 也可以使用信用卡付款(CC),及黑貓宅急便(T-CAT)宅配到府(Home delivery)的物流服務(全台免運費)。
• 海外郵寄需另加新台幣300元的運費。

✔ 預計寄送時間:2021年5月1日 (預估六個月的撰寫時間)

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2019年11月1日~ 2020年1月31日 (期間:三個月)
✔ NTD100 單純贊助,支持募資計劃,不須回饋。
✔ NTD149及以上 網戀奇緣小說之彩色插圖明信片全套。
✔ NTD199及以上 網戀奇緣小說電子書(英文、繁體中文、簡體中文)
✔ NTD449及以上 網戀奇緣小說(舊封面之英文、繁體中文)
✔ NTD599及以上 網戀奇緣小說(新封面之繁體中文)
註:網戀奇緣——美國中央情報局長和他的華裔情人; A Legend of Cyber-Love——The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover.
(※ 付款時,請註明募資回饋的網戀奇緣小說的語言版本為哪一個版本: 英文版、繁體中文版、簡體中文版。)
NTD25000及以上 渦輪飛天掃帚(研發成功之產品 + 產品安全責任保險)
NTD30000及以上 渦輪飛天掃帚(研發成功之產品 + 產品安全責任保險 + 背包式降落傘 + 坐墊式安全氣囊)
• 也可以使用信用卡付款(CC),及黑貓宅急便(T-CAT)宅配到府(Home delivery)的物流服務(全台免運費)。
• 海外郵寄需另加新台幣300元的運費。

✔ 預計寄送時間:2021年2月1日 (一年研發時間)

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2019年11月1日~ 2020年10月31日 (期間:一年)
✔ NTD100 單純贊助,支持募資計劃,不須回饋。
✔ NTD149及以上 網戀奇緣小說之彩色插圖明信片全套。
✔ NTD199及以上 網戀奇緣小說電子書(英文、繁體中文、簡體中文)
✔ NTD449及以上 網戀奇緣小說(舊封面之英文、繁體中文)
✔ NTD599及以上 網戀奇緣小說(新封面之繁體中文)
註:網戀奇緣——美國中央情報局長和他的華裔情人; A Legend of Cyber-Love——The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover.
(※ 付款時,請註明募資回饋的網戀奇緣小說的語言版本為哪一個版本: 英文版、繁體中文版、簡體中文版。)
• 也可以使用信用卡付款(CC),及黑貓宅急便(T-CAT)宅配到府(Home delivery)的物流服務(全台免運費)。
• 海外郵寄需另加新台幣300元的運費。

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Egg Breaking Device


Do you have any trouble not being able to break the eggs with only one hand easily? Goddess Niu-Wa Egg Breaking Device is much better than breaking the eggs with your bare hands.
My dear, I just break the eggs so easily with only my two fingers!
Clear sound of breaking the crispy eggs: Ga! Ga! Ga!
Do you hear that? Delicate design of the stainless steel egg holder fits the raw eggs very closely. The high quality of ingenious design is so visible. The ergonomic principles of mechanical design just make it labor-saving and so convenient! It also has the function of separating the egg yolk and egg white, and is a very good helper for every Mom to use as necessary in the kitchen.

【Funding Period】
Nov 1st, 2019 ~ Jan 31st, 2020 (Three months)
✔ NTD100 Make a pledge without a reward.
a. Short-handle, scissors-style, wide-mouth, small egg breaker:
✔ NTD199 or more: One short-handle, wide-mouth, small egg breaker.
✔ NTD945 or more: Five short-handle, wide-mouth, small egg breakers. (discount 5% off. Average NTD189 each.)
✔ NTD1790 or more: Ten short-handle, wide-mouth, small egg breakers. (discount 10% off. Average NTD179 each.)
✔ NTD8450 or more: Fifty short-handle, wide-mouth, small egg breakers. (discount 15% off. Average NTD169 each.)
✔ NTD15900 or more: One hundred short-handle, wide-mouth, small egg breakers. (discount 20% off. Average NTD159 each + Free shipping worldwide.)
✔ NTD129000 or more: One thousand short-handle, wide-mouth, small egg breakers. (discount 35% off. Average NTD129 each + Free shipping worldwide.)
b. Long-handle, A-style, sharp-mouth, big egg breaking device:
✔ NTD249 or more: One long-handle, sharp-mouth, big egg breaking device.
✔ NTD1180 or more: Five long-handle, sharp-mouth, big egg breaking devices. (discount 5% off. Average NTD236 each.)
✔ NTD2240 or more: Ten long-handle, sharp-mouth, big egg breaking devices. (discount 10% off. Average NTD224 each.)
✔ NTD10500 or more: Fifty long-handle, sharp-mouth, big egg breaking devices. (discount 15% off. Average NTD210 each.)
✔ NTD19900 or more: One hundred long-handle, sharp-mouth, big egg breaking devices. (discount 20% off. Average NTD199 each + Free shipping worldwide.)
✔ NTD161000 or more: One thousand long-handle, sharp-mouth, big egg breaking devices. (discount 35% off. Average NTD161 each + Free shipping worldwide.)
Twenty thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NTD 20,000).
• Free postal shipping within Taiwan (Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping to the convenient stores within Taiwan (CVS payment: Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping for T-Cat home delivery within Taiwan (CC payment: Pay by credit card).
• Overseas shipping costs extra shipping fee NTD300.

✔ Estimated Delivery Time: February 1st, 2020.

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Modern Earthquake Detection Instrument

【Modern Full-Bandwidth(1GHz-100GHz) Earthquake Detection Instrument】
"Full-Bandwidth(1GHz-100GHz) Earthquake Detection Instrument" can predict the exact occurring location of the earthquake.
The bane of the mind-control apparatus——The earthquake detection instrument has eight linear antenna in eight directions, very similar to the T-shape antenna for the TV. It utilizes Faraday's Law of Induction and has the functions of receiving and emitting the electromagnetic waves. Such linear antenna receives the electromagnetic waves and then emits back. The incident and refection electromagnetic waves might therefore form energy-enhanced standing waves. As long as the energy is strong enough, the earthquake occurs. Modern semiconductor technology or chip technology can accomplish the manufacturing of full-bandwidth(1 GHz - 100 GHz) microwave emitters and receivers. I already finished the schematic drawings of the circuit board design during the time when I worked as a postdoc fellow in the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Defensive pocket-sized full-bandwidth (1GHz-100GHz) earthquake detection instrument to defend the attacks of the electromagnetic waves can predict the exact occurring locations of the earthquakes. It can also apply to the balance instruments in the airplanes. I hope to raise the funding for this research and development project.
【Funding Period】
Nov 1st, 2019 ~ Oct 31st, 2020 (One year)
✔ NTD100 Make a pledge without a reward.
✔ NTD149 or more One set of color postcards of the photos in the novel, A Legend of Cyber-Love.
✔ NTD199 or more E-book: A Legend of Cyber-Love(in English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese version).
✔ NTD449 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love(in English, or traditional Chinese with old cover).
✔ NTD599 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love(in traditional Chinese with new cover).
Note: A Legend of Cyber-Love——The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover.
(※ In the shop website, before clicking the "Order confirmed" button at checkout, please note in the "Remark" box, which language version you choose for your E-book/book: English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions?)
No upper limit amount of money to be pledged.
• Free postal shipping within Taiwan (Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping to the convenient stores within Taiwan (CVS payment: Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping for T-Cat home delivery within Taiwan (CC payment: Pay by credit card).
• Overseas shipping costs extra shipping fee NTD300.

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A Legend of Cyber-Love: The Great Sage as High as Sky, WuKong Sun, Again Creating Havoc in Heavenly Palace

【A Legend of Cyber-Love: The Great Sage as High as Sky, WuKong Sun, Again Creating Havoc in Heavenly Palace】
The second volume of the romantic-love novel series, "A Legend of Cyber-Love", is going to be published. It is continued with the first volume of "A Legend of Cyber-Love——The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover" in English, traditional Chinese, and simplified Chinese versions, which has tremendous popularity and news media scramble to report. What will be the next developing story and the wonderful drama? Just let us wait and see.
The main leading character, Margaret Liu, encountered her true love on the internet, the virtual world, the male leading character, General Tealeaf Howard Patrick. He happened to be the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States of America, nominated by the former US president Omama. He was going to take office. Her interesting but incredible true love story starts here. When a man from a secret world encounters a woman from another world without any secrets, what kind of sparkling love will be kindled?
She has been arranged secretly by the former US president Truman and the Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom to carry out the startling missions step by step as a true woman show, executed by the British Royals. When the classified information has been unlocked one by one, the whole world consequently were shaking unstably. World War Three was brewing secretly.
【Funding Period】
Nov 1st, 2019 ~ April 30th, 2020 (Six months)
✔ NTD100 Make a pledge without a reward.
✔ NTD199 or more E-book: A Legend of Cyber-Love (Volume II) (in either English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions).
✔ NTD599 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love (Volume II) (in either English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions) X One soft-copy.
✔ NTD1099 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love (Volume II) (in either English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions) X Two soft-copy. Plus free shipping within Taiwan.
(※ In the shop website, before clicking the "Order confirmed" button at checkout, please note in the "Remark" box, which language version you choose for your E-book/book: English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions?)
One hundred thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NTD 100,000).
• Free postal shipping within Taiwan (Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping to the convenient stores within Taiwan (CVS payment: Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping for T-Cat home delivery within Taiwan (CC payment: Pay by credit card).
• Overseas shipping costs extra shipping fee NTD300.

✔ Estimated Delivery Time: November 1st, 2020. (It is estimated to take about six months for the writing.)

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A Legend of Cyber-Love: A Promise Thousands of Years Ago and Loving You for Ten Thousand Years

【A Legend of Cyber-Love: A Promise Thousands of Years Ago and Loving You for Ten Thousand Years】
The third volume of the romantic-love novel series, "A Legend of Cyber-Love", is going to be published. It is continued with the first volume of "A Legend of Cyber-Love——The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover" in English, traditional Chinese, and simplified Chinese versions, which has tremendous popularity and news media scramble to report. What will be the next developing story and the wonderful drama? Just let us wait and see.
The main leading character, Margaret Liu, who claimed that she never met the male leading character, General Tealeaf Howard Patrick, has been pregnant bizarrely. Eventually, true lovers are building the fruits of good virtues. The story begins miraculously with her pregnant twin babies breaking the amniotic fluid after exceeding the expected date of childbirth, and then she was sent to the hospital.
After all, how winding and complicated has such story been developed? Why have these two leading characters been unceasingly going to the wrong Heavens for the unexpected reincarnation?
Why do the couple have seven generations with chains of causes and effects and a series of transmigration, but still end up suffering from loving each other for thousands of years without meeting with each other for the wrong timing in crisscross? What kind of predestination and destiny being ordained is this? No matter how the seas running dry and the stones going rotten, " I am always loving you for ten thousand years and forever and ever" !!!
【Funding Period】
Nov 1st, 2019 ~ Oct 31st, 2020 (One year)
✔ NTD100 Make a pledge without a reward.
✔ NTD199 or more E-book: A Legend of Cyber-Love (Volume III) (in either English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions).
✔ NTD599 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love (Volume III) (in either English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions) X One soft-copy.
✔ NTD1099 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love (Volume III) (in either English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions) X Two soft-copy. Plus free shipping within Taiwan.
(※ In the shop website, before clicking the "Order confirmed" button at checkout, please note in the "Remark" box, which language version you choose for your E-book/book: English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions?)
One hundred thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NTD 100,000).
• Free postal shipping within Taiwan (Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping to the convenient stores within Taiwan (CVS payment: Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping for T-Cat home delivery within Taiwan (CC payment: Pay by credit card).
• Overseas shipping costs extra shipping fee NTD300.

✔ Estimated Delivery Time: May 1st, 2021. (It is estimated to take about six months for the writing.)

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Turbo Engine Flying Broom

Mechanical design for emergent disaster prevention:customized dual-use and double modes of electrical cooling fan and human-carrier flying tool to protect against fire and natural disasters for life-saving purposes in the tall buildings.
The main application is to assist the emergent disaster prevention. The chargeable lithium battery is used as the energy power source. The design of the turbo fans can effectively enhance the upward buoyancy for the purposes of carrying the rider as a flying tool. The controller can adjust the current and the rotation speed and the torsion of the turbo fans. The mechanical design can be customized to become the dual-use and double modes of electrical cooling fan and for life-saving purposes to protect against fire and natural disasters in the tall buildings.
I wish I could raise enough amount of fund to develop such product with enough financial support.
The advanced purchaser will get a 50% discount as a feedback for the investors.
【Funding Period】
Nov 1st, 2019 ~ Jan 31st, 2020 (Three months)
✔ NTD100 Make a pledge without a reward.
✔ NTD149 or more One set of color postcards of the photos in the novel, A Legend of Cyber-Love.
✔ NTD199 or more E-book: A Legend of Cyber-Love(in English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions).
✔ NTD449 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love(in English, or traditional Chinese with old cover).
✔ NTD599 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love(in traditional Chinese with new cover).
Note: A Legend of Cyber-Love——The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover.
(※ In the shop website, before clicking the "Order confirmed" button at checkout, please note in the "Remark" box, which language version you choose for your E-book/book: English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions?)
✔ NTD25000 or more: Turbo engine flying broom(one successfully developed product + product-safety guarantee insurance)
✔ NTD30000 or more: Turbo engine flying broom(successfully developed product + product-safety guarantee insurance + backpack style parachute + cushion-style safety airbag)
One million New Taiwan Dollars (NTD 1,000,000).
• Free postal shipping within Taiwan (Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping to the convenient stores within Taiwan (CVS payment: Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping for T-Cat home delivery within Taiwan (CC payment: Pay by credit card).
• Overseas shipping costs extra shipping fee NTD300.

✔ Estimated Delivery Time: February 1st, 2021. (It will take one year for the product development.)

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Automatic Control Flood-Block Gate

Automatic control flood-block gate can utilize the special hygrometer to sense the obvious changes of the humidity in the air before the rainy day, or the strike of the flood. When necessary, it pulls down the flood-block gate. It depends on the height of the water level to have different gate height at several stages in order to accommodate the disastrous flood situations in variable conditions.
I hope to raise the funding for this research and development.
【Funding Period】
Nov 1st, 2019 ~ Oct 31st, 2020 (One year)
✔ NTD100 Make a pledge without a reward.
✔ NTD149 or more One set of color postcards of the photos in the novel, A Legend of Cyber-Love.
✔ NTD199 or more E-book: A Legend of Cyber-Love(in English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions).
✔ NTD449 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love(in English, or traditional Chinese with old cover).
✔ NTD599 or more A Legend of Cyber-Love(in traditional Chinese with new cover).
Note: A Legend of Cyber-Love——The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover.
(※ In the shop website, before clicking the "Order confirmed" button at checkout, please note in the "Remark" box, which language version you choose for your E-book/book: English, traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese versions?)
No upper limit amount of money to be pledged.
• Free postal shipping within Taiwan (Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping to the convenient stores within Taiwan (CVS payment: Pay at pickup).
• Free shipping for T-Cat home delivery within Taiwan (CC payment: Pay by credit card).
• Overseas shipping costs extra shipping fee NTD300.

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