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A Legend of Cyber-Love
-- The Top Spy and His Chinese Lover

Introduction to this Book
The author met General Tealeaf Howard Patrick on Skype on May 4th, 2011, two days after Osama bin Laden was killed by the SEAL in Pakistan. General Tealeaf Patrick was the commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan back then, and nominated as the next Director of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) by the US president Omama. Tealeaf proposed to the author in order to fulfill the requirements for the attendance of the US Senate confirmation hearings with his wife to be. However, this mission impossible is even more difficult and tougher than anyone could have ever imagined.
The first part, “Confession of the Twenty-First Century Female Scientist”, all-inclusively confesses the author's past extraordinary life experiences.
The second part is focused on the true love story between the author and Tealeaf Howard Patrick encountering on the internet, the virtual world. South China Sea controversy, military maneuvers, Diao-Yu-Tai/Senkaku Islands controversy, exhibitions of advanced weapons and arms in the news, intelligence wars and cyber wars, etc., all occurred during this time.
When a man from a secret world encounters a woman from another world without any secrets, what kind of sparkling love will be kindled?

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